As the automotive industry continues to throw all of its weight behind developing self-driving technologies for the…
You often hear people say “there aren’t really bad cars any more” because even cheap cars from basic brands are…
Looking back at this year’s Jalopnik Reviews, we found that Miatas, McLarens and bi-turbo Mercedes-Benzes proved…
I’ll be honest: 2017 was garbage at best, even in racing. We even had a literal dumpster on fire in the parking lot…
This past year was terrible, but you already know that. It’s time, now, for some relief. Let us recap some of the…
As you would imagine of someone who posts a poll every weekday, I really dig data, and Nice Price or Crack Pipe…
A lot of cars died in 2017. For some, they will be dearly missed; for others, this was probably for the best. While…
Clickbait this, clickbait that. “You guys only write blogs FOR THE CLICKS,” the demented commenters say.…
Last year wasn’t so great for cars in movies, but 2017 more than made up for it. Here’s a rough list of our favorite…
I had a hard time choosing my favorite stories Jalopnik published in 2017. That’s because between prison snitches,…
For about the last year or so, we’ve been running a column here at Jalopnik called Countersteer. Every Tuesday, we’d…
Cars have plenty of opportunities to suck. Some simply perform poorly, others are depressingly soulless and then…
As part of our “Year In Review” series, we featured the favorite photography of Jalopnik contributors. I decided to…
We heard a lot about autonomous transportation and “mobility” as abstract concepts in 2017. But we also drove cars.…
It’s been nice to see so much more heart and humanity in the photography showing up on Jalopnik this past year.…
As you may be aware, in addition to blogging hot takes about cars and giving you car buying advice, I run a…
If there’s one thing that came sharply into focus this year, it’s that most of the automotive industry has bought…
I nearly didn’t realize it, but 2017 will be over soon. It’s amazing how fast time passes when you’re thumbing…
This year saw the introduction of many new cars, good and bad. Some of them also seemed to fall somewhere between…