We live in the last great age of human driving. The goal around here, most of the time, is to make sure it’s…
We can always tell when you, dear readers, are taken with a particular story. Your voices are heard in the comments…
As this whirlwind pile-of-shit year comes to a close, it’s probably best to remember that, if you squint hard…
This year had a lot of great and good movies that I thoroughly enjoyed. It’s just too bad we didn’t really get even…
In the automotive industry, no awards are more coveted, more prestigious than the Jalopnik Car of the Year Awards.…
Hellrides through Mexico, fact-checking scammers, hooning McLarens on dirt tracks, making comebacks from concussions…
2016 is, thankfully, almost over. All the best musicians died, very few of the movies were any good, and global…
I won’t miss 2016. It was a year that not even the Ford GT winning its class at Le Mans for America could save. But…
As we near the twilight of human-driven cars and the dawn of full autonomy, we are overwhelmed with seemingly…
Much like kicking Anakin Skywalker into a river of lava, we end 2016 with some bittersweet memories of the good…
You’re not stuck staring at a computer or your phone on New Year’s Eve, are you? I hope not. But if so, here’s some…
Despite what my dentist keeps telling me, I’m human. Aside from having a bunch of hair and fingers, that means that…
This past year it felt like we drove damn near everything. From Subaru rally cars to the Bentley Mulsanne Speed.…
There comes a time in every person’s life when he takes stock of his last year and he remembers all the wonderful…
For reasons I cannot understand, people keep giving Jalopnik writers cars to drive. This year our best cars ranged…
Many, many car-related things and events and happenings and occurrences thinged, evented, happened, and occurred in…
It was easy for us to name the best cars we drove in 2015. Picking the worst ones, believe it or not, was a lot…
Not everything was all loud race cars and smiley Miatas in 2015.
Traffic, “uniques,” clicks, or whatever you want to call them, are all really dumb ways for measuring how good a…
Some automotive publications are happy bringing their audiences nothing but sleep-inducing reviews of press cars,…