While looking through the cache of vintage car magazines I got from a pantsless man in Arizona, I stumbled upon one…
What, you think they're just for when you run into something? They're also there for when you get a little too…
Do you hate wearing a seatbelt? Do you love driving drunk? Here's a cheap little device to help you out, courtesy of…
Outside of Detroit last week, one driver attempted to pull over a cop for not wearing a seatbelt. Watch as the cop…
This video, put together by the University of California in the late 1950s, has a straightforward agenda: explain…
Last week, local police in Pennsylvania stopped Julio Chimbo Morocho, 26, after observing him driving slowly in a…
The winner of the first YouTube competition for best ad worldwide was this public service announcement from…
U.S. highway deaths drop to 60-year low. Thanks, dead people! Also, using the seat belts dead people test. [Bloomberg
Welcome to Garage of Horror, where we share your worst wheeled experiences. Today we have three stories, all of…
How is it there are three separate Yahoo! groups — one with over 1000 members — dedicated to the fetish of seat…
The "Buckle Up Key Holder" is a seat belt buckle re-purposed for clever key storage. It's also $22, which is funny…
I've been wanting to do a Stupid Murilee Junkyard Project™ with a Dodge Conquest TURBO seat belt for quite some…
Seatbelt ads are usually preachy and don't connect with consumers on an emotional level. This British ad avoids the…
Ford just unveiled their new not-an-air-bag inflatable seat belt here in Dearborn, a device Ford adamantly claims…
We'll be on hand later today when Ford will unveil a new safety technology — airbags in rear seat belts. We hope…
As far as fetishes go, girls in seat belts makes sense to us, it's also probably one of the safest. All we know is,…
This week must unofficially be the seatbelt gadgetry week. First we saw a newfangled seatbelt for the pregnant ladies
Because our extensive readership research has determined that I have a better chance of playing Segway Polo with Bob…
Get in the car, boy. Put your seat belt on. I never let anyone ride without a seat belt. That's one of my rules. And…