Despite the small size of the image, it appears the 2010 Pontiac G8 Sport Truck has moved on from cobbled together…
Britain beats Italy, though by the slimmest of margins, in yesterday's Choose Your Eternity poll, with the '64 Lotus…
We've heard of this "Jonathan Schipper" before through his exploits slowly grinding scale models and throw-away…
Everyone laughs at the Aztek. Poor Aztek! But at least The General was trying something interesting, either ignoring…
You know you're not 'hip' or 'with it' anymore when when you see a musical artist featured in a new ad campaign and…
Since yesterday's Packard Straight Eight Swap Edition (which was won by the '37 Pontiac) was so much fun, we're…
Proving once again the speed with which stories are cycled through in a 24-hour-news-cycle network, CNN has decided…
The General's German brand saw the sign it needed to replace the aged Vectra, so they opened up their eyes — and…
Well, whaddya know- an American Hell Project beat a French one in our most recent Choose Your Eternity poll, with…
With the '69 Citröen ID19 carrying the French to victory over their British rivals in the PCH Superpower Rematch, I…
Always wanted an "Aero Wars" muscle car from the early '70s like the Plymouth Roadrunner Superbird, or the Mercury…
We saw a DOTS Fiero a few months ago, and the mid-80s are recent enough that the Fiero may be something of an iffy…
We love the '80s and not just for Rick Astley, Members Only jackets and New Coke. All that's well and good, but what…
So The General makes this seriously 80s-looking ad for the '88 Grand Am, so much of its time that a fine sheen of…
When we first saw this video of the new 2008 Pontiac G8 GT running a 13.12 quarter-mile at 106.65 MPH we thought,…
From the book of car, whatever that is, comes the latest in the march of ads for the Pontiac G8 GT. We all thought…
We love the idea of the 2010 Pontiac G8 El Camino, this much goes without saying, but there's been a lot of hemming…