This photo of a Broward County Sheriff's Department Smart police car comes courtesy of a Floridian, who notes in his…
We're all trying to come to terms with the fact Ford Crown Victorias won't be sneaking up behind us on the highway.…
Although we don't care to see them in our rearview mirrors with their lights flashing, we at Jalopnik are generally…
Driving backwards on the shoulder of a four lane highway seems incredibly dangerous. Doing so with your foot…
With the recent additions of the turbocharged Ford Police Interceptor, the V8-powered Chevrolet Caprice, and the…
Outside of Detroit last week, one driver attempted to pull over a cop for not wearing a seatbelt. Watch as the cop…
So what is the baddest ass new police cruiser on the market? While we all decry the passing of the beloved Panther,…
Outside of video games, I rarely feel the urge to steal a car. Especially a police car. If there's something I badly…
After trying the Porsche Panamera out with a toddler for a couple weeks, I can absolutely say it's a terrific…
If there's one cop car that says, "hey, criminals, I'm gonna arrest the living crap out of you," it's the Charger.…
Cops have a very specific need to get other drivers on the road the hell out of their way. As commuters get…
The ex-cop-car "Battle of the Badges" charity race at the weekend's Missouri State Fair was a mess. One car hit five…
Indianapolis might be the best place to participate in a high speed chase and actually get away with it.
Late last month, the Washington State Patrol pulled their last new Ford Crown Victoria out of the fleet stable and…
We love police cruisers. They're big, fast, parts are plentiful, and they're usually pretty cheap used. But even…
Law enforcement and emergency services agencies can now get a Ford F-150 made to suit their needs. With a special…
Faced with the eventual phasing out of Ford's legendary Crown Victoria Police Interceptor, the California Highway…
The Australian-built Caprices are popping up all over AutoTrader. Some you can buy. Most you can't. Here's the deal.
Germany's Polizei are wishing they could cancel their $32.8 million order (25 million Euros) of new Opel Insignias…
According to a just-released press release, the city of Chicago has placed an order to buy 500 Ford Police…