From goofy fiberglass bodies to challenging technical skills, there's a little something at Monster Jam for…
I spoke to three of the four female drivers competing in the Monster Jam World Finals — Krysten Anderson, Kayla…
Monster truck racing has come a long way from its mud-bogging, car-crushing origins. It's way more complex than that.
Iconic monster truck racer Tom Meents helped Colton Eichelberger prepare to jump nine trucks in ThunderROARus.…
It's an ultimately pointless exercise but it's a hell of a lot of fun to watch.
Hartsock was on his way to the Jackson Motor Speedway.
These days, it’s hard to find something on newsfeeds that’ll make a person drop their jaw in a good way—no matter…
Scientists* estimate that approximately zero percent of the population dislikes monster-truck shows, and that an…
Monster Jam is, nominally, a competition, but really it’s just a cool monster truck show—and apparently a profitable…
Rigg Hipps, a track construction director with the monster-truck series Monster Jam, sometimes has the same…
Most wild monster truck tricks have already been done. The first car crush was decades ago. They’ve been doing…
Fireworks shot into a crowd reportedly injured at least two spectators at the annual Monster Jam World Finals in Las…
By the time January rolled around, I had been begging to drive a giant, 12,000-pound Monster Jam truck for six…
Monster Jam is one of those things that never quite makes sense, no matter how many times you watch it. How do these…
There are some eternal truths to our humble existence on earth. Water is wet. The sky is blue. Cute baby bunnies are…
This monster truck just did a handstand. A handstand! Another truck did a front flip a few weeks ago. What more…
No matter what preconceived notions you have about it being for little kids or whatever, Monster Jam is cool. And if…
Monster trucks crash as part of their performance and they’re built to take a beating. That’s why it’s so unsettling…
Brian Deegan has a kind-of passion for racing that seems downright bizarre after hearing a portion of his…
Jasper Cooch, reporting for the sketch comedy duo Paulilu Mixtape, went to the 2012 Monster Jam World Finals and…