Monster Jam Truck Laughs In The Face Of Singular Backflips

Scientists* estimate that approximately zero percent of the population dislikes monster-truck shows, and that an incredible negative percent of the population dislikes when monster trucks do backflips. So, it is only healthy for us to share with you this video of a Monster Jam truck doing not one, but two, backflips.

You see, hurtling a 12,000-pound truck into one backflip is just not enough these days. Perhaps nothing will ever be enough in Monster Jam, since these trucks continue to do more and more ridiculous stuff—all for us, the paying consumers who like to watch large vehicles crush smaller vehicles, in addition to other things.

That's why Diesel Dave, whose real first name appears to not be "Diesel," threw his truck, BroDozer, into more than one backflip at Angel Stadium in Anaheim recently. Monster Jam said this kind of maneuver is "extremely rare," and that this marks the first time that the BroDozer truck has done it.

Diesel Dave and his BroDozer truck, naturally, won the freestyle competition he did this in, and we all win for getting to experience a man who goes by "Diesel Dave" do more than one backflip in a thing called a"BroDozer"—which sounds oddly like a bumper sticker that could be used to intimidate misogynists.

Congratulations on winning today, everyone.

*Not scientists

