Two weeks ago, the unthinkable happened in L.A. It rained. That may not sounds as bad as an earthquake or a…
A Ferrari was cut in half after colliding with a power pole and crashing onto a beach Sunday along the Pacific Coast…
If you're ever invited to watch the X Games do yourself a favor and skip the events and just watch them on…
If you've had a photo of your license plate taken by a Los Angeles red-light camera, great news: Not only is any…
Greetings from sunny Los Angeles, California, where the two-day closure of a 10-mile strip of freeway has produced…
Los Angeles has been, collectively, freaking out for weeks now about the two-day closure of a long stretch of the…
How does the biggest traffic hell on Earth this side of Sao Paulo look without any cars? This video shows how.…
Los Angeles will shut down the 405 for repairs, causing an apocalyptic nightmare that makes 2012 look like Must Love…
Living in Los Angeles as a car guy typically means either being wealthy enough to afford a garage (i.e. Jay Leno) or…
A thirtysomething investment banker and his friend got bored one night so they decided they'd take a cab from New…
A man in Los Angeles jogging down the 405 in nothing but a pair of socks was arrested yesterday. Apparently he was…
A drunk driver in southern California wedged his Ford Fusion between two apartment buildings late Saturday, leaving…
Someone launched a missile off the southern California coast Monday night, but neither the Pentagon nor the Navy…
Rally America has responded to our petition to get Bill Caswell, the $500 Craigslist rally-car driver, into ESPN's X…
Despite the fervent wishes of thousands, Rally America won't let Bill Caswell, Jalopnik's $500 Craigslist rally-car…
A Los Angeles artist is transforming the city's soul-crushing traffic congestion into a (slowly) moving performance…
Filmaker Ross Ching decided to imagine a world where the gas pump has run dry. The result is this short movie called …
Four people were killed in a 2007 Corvette this morning after the driver flipped the sports car over a guard rail.…
Bad driving isn't endemic to a specific location, but there's no arguing that poor drivers tend to congregate on the…