Turo is, in theory, brilliant. If you’re not using your car, you can rent it out to other people. Make some money on…
Shortly after a water main broke in the Port Lands of Toronto, Ontario, the local transit authority was quick on the…
The way we think of car driving is that it’s bad for the environment but good for people and the economy, but a…
Back in 2007, New York City decided to remedy one of its many transportation and infrastructure issues and set out…
Yes, this is actually how Germans make room for emergency vehicles when there’s a pileup on the highway: Drivers…
A highway bridge in Italy collapsed on Tuesday and sent vehicles about 300 feet into “a heap of rubble below,” accord…
Metro Detroiters already have to deal with crumbling roads, high insurance and drivers who don’t know how to handle…
The digital speedo clicked up from 265 to 266 kilometers per hour, a good 165 mph. It was safe as can be and…
Highway noise barriers are a pretty common blight on American interstates, there to protect nearby homes and…
One of the best road tripping highways in the country has been shut down for a little over a year following a…
A steam pipe exploded in the Flatiron District of New York City this morning, leaving a crater in the street and…
Plans for a new bridge between Detroit and Windsor have been in the works for years, but it took until today for…
The tragedy of the commons is catching up with the smartphone-activated electric rental scooters that I love to ride…
The northeastern United States experienced some near-record high temperatures this past weekend. These extreme…
One of the big issues concerning electric vehicles is how pedestrians struggle to hear an oncoming, naturally-silent…
This feels like something from a William Gibson cyberpunk dystopia novel, where the government has become so weak…
Chad and his coworkers left their mark in street tar in Walker, Michigan, WZZM reported on Tuesday. It’s always…
New York City got battered last evening by severe weather, and as a precautionary measure, the Metropolitan…
Despite dozens of cities proclaiming a goal of zero pedestrian deaths in recent years, the death toll continues to…