It's easy to take interstate highways for granted these days. Sometimes we even associating them with traffic,…
Walking, floating, flying cities always seem like a good idea, until someone has to live there. Jalopnik readers…
BMW Welt is something between a museum, a factory tour, and an amusement park. Now several Detroit businessmen think…
We love when architects and urban planners dream big and come up with absurd visions for future cities. Not every…
New Yorkers might know the name of Gustav Lindenthal for designing the Hell Gate Bridge on the East River, but…
Every nation is proud of its highway network, whether it is called Autobahn, freeway, interstate or autópálya. They…
New York's infrastructure system is rather demanding. The next time you sit on the train, just think about what it…
An oil tanker has brushed against a support beam of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.
I have one rule: If I'm in an emergency situation near a man in army fatigues and he starts running, I immediately…
Yesterday, a tornado struck in Mobile, AL that caused a ton of havoc. The local Mercedes dealer looked to be hit…
Come on Holland Tunnel. We know an easy flow of traffic is too much to ask, but did you have to put the ‘A' of the…
This morning, a tornado struck in Alabama, which took down trees, damaged buildings, and took out power around the…
An Incredibly Massive Explosion Set The Highway On Fire In West Virginia [UPDATE: FIRE EXTINGUISHED]
A gas tank explosion is never a good thing. And just after 1 PM today, one exploded in Sissonville, WV that wiped…
Airports don't have to be terrible. These ten hubs picked by Jalopnik readers are actually all kinds of awesome.
When Americans go out to drive, they pick the fastest, emptiest, easiest roads available. Jalopnik readers have put…
Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death in Americans under 25. Our once mighty network of roads is…
As cleanup continues, Snor'eastercane Sandy's wrath is still being felt in many locales along the Atlantic coast. On…
The car business is a multi-trillion dollar international industry, and it requires companies to ship cars all over…
We know that Stockholm has the best metro in the world because every line ends with a slutstation. That said, Jalopni…
Why go over mountains and rivers when you can just go under them? These are the works of infrastructure Jalopnik readers