If you thought that your city royally bungled a light rail development or a highway widening project, Jalopnik readers
For many reasons, governments across the world love to build surprisingly expensive, depressingly inefficient…
The nine best transport designs of 2013. If you can consider a bike transportation... Read more
I can't stop watching these infrastructure demolition videos. Let's just infinite-loop them, shall we?
Too many speed bumps, needless chicanes, and painfully slow speed limits: it feels like towns are always trying to…
What's better than watching an explosion? Watching a controlled explosion. Jalopnik readers have ten amazing bridge,…
Every so often, a bridge or a tunnel or a road has outlived its use and needs to go. That's when the engineers bring…
Locals gathered along the shores of Lake Marble Falls in Central Texas this weekend to watch the largest explosive…
It seems like Google has covered the entire world with its all-seeing gaze, but Jalopnik readers know ten amazing…
Revving your engine on public roads can be very annoying for the people around. Except if you happen to be driving a…
Icy conditions on the runway at Hopkins International Airport caused a United Airlines 737 to slide off the runway…
Down in that wide, brown valley, 13,000 feet above sea level, begins the Chinese portion of the Karakoram Highway,…
When is a highway not a highway? I don't have anything clever to follow that up but this highway is broken yo.
America is probably the best place on Earth for long road trips. Fuel is cheap, food is plentiful, and the roads —…
I love mountains. And not just on foot or with a pair of skis. To drive up or down (and through) them is also a…
Do you happen to live in the northeastern United States? Then besides finding a good parking lot to do donuts in,…
Earlier today, a large watermain broke around the Flatiron Building on 23rd Street here in New York City. Water…
I REACHED DOWN the pant cuff with the eraser end of my pencil and poked it. Frozen solid. But definitely human.
Tornadoes ripped through northwest Georgia this morning, overturning cars and trucks on Interstate 75 and…
The American suburbs: where old people get trapped, all the houses look the same, and you have to drunk-drive to…