The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he drove a Camry. I always figured the Prince of…
Oh, normal Florida residents. We’re sorry that your state has such a strange reputation. But when you’ve got people…
One man in Florida was surprised when a six-foot snake emerged from his Hyundai’s hood during rush hour on U.S.…
This is a 7-year-old boy driving a car on public roads, according to reports. But wait! There’s more! This is also a…
Sometimes, when babies want to come into this world they don’t wait until you get to the hospital. In a perfect…
Vacuums are utterly wonderful, brush-filled devices full of enough staticky dust, fuzz and debris to make your hair…
Local news in Florida caught a driver in a truck attempting to pull off some sweet powerslides and donuts right in…
I love crazy engine swaps, even if they turn a car from daily-drive-able to totally useless. Here’s a Porsche…
You know that feeling you get when you’ve set your ex’s car on fire, only later to learn that the car wasn’t your…
On Saturday, Sheriff’s Deputies in Osceola County, Florida (of course) saw a helicopter buzz over route U.S. 192 low…
A Florida man was arrested during an Orlando traffic stop because white flakes found in his car tested positive as…
When most of us think about the danger of driving while interacting with invisible beings, we’re most likely to…
One Florida man found out the hard way that tossing a four-foot alligator through a drive-thru window will get you…
Last month Florida attorney David J. Maloney, locally famous for an aggressive anti-DUI attitude, was arrested on…
It’s not clear why this Pontiac G6 driver decided it was a good idea to drive over a motorcycle carrying two human…
A police car in pursuit of armed robbery suspects screamed through a red light last week, obliterating an…
“If you drink and you drive and you hurt someone, don’t call me. I’m not gonna represent you, I’m not gonna help…
A lot of car buyers worry about encountering snakes at their local dealership—the slithery kind in polo shirts that…
Road rage isn’t always the easiest thing to communicate with other drivers, since noise and traffic flow tend to…