Fans at Daytona International Speedway’s Bike Week had a rude awakening this weekend when a black Toyota pickup ran…
The National Transportation Safety Board just released its Most Wanted list for 2016. In hopes to end the boozing…
On Saturday afternoon, Florida Highway Patrol got reports of a Cadillac driving recklessly down a road known as…
There’s some things that are wonderful independently, but potentially disastrous when combined. Marshmallow fluff…
If you know you’re not in a condition to drive, it’s best to, you know, stop driving. Of course, this doesn’t mean…
A report says Pennsylvania State Troopers (literally) lassoed a guy who was cruising down the street on his Cub…
Last week somebody called the cops on this 1994 Plymouth Voyager low-budget ice cream van for swerving into oncoming…
A Florida jury has issued a record judgement for $563 million dollars against a car dealership after it loaned a car…
Now, before we all jump to very reasonable and probable conclusions about intoxication, please keep in mind this…
Is it the cold? Is it the cold that somehow freezes the parts of their brains that should make Canadians into…
There's two amazing geographic details to this story: first, it did not take place in Florida, and second, it did…
Police in Miami Beach say they've arrested noted Lamborghini troublemaker Justin Bieber for driving under the…
The law finally caught up with scofflaw Amanda Bynes yesterday when she was pulled over by police in Burbank,…
At least some of the $37 million Eric Wright secured in his recent contract with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers will go…
This Dubuque, Iowa resident blew a .14 after police responded to reports of a drunken man attempting to bring a…
It's not unusual to hear of someone getting multiple DUIs, but five in as many weeks? Come on! Vineland, N.J.…
Do grandparents let their grandkids get away with stuff their parents won't let them do? Sure. But most grandparents…
Have you been drinking tonight, sir? Oh. Crap. If you're in a car, that's not a question you want to hear from a man…
Driving under the influence of alcohol can be dangerous to us all. A Pennsylvania man thought it was bad enough to…
As a lifelong urinator, I like to keep up with all the latest innovations in the field. That's why I was excited to…