When 18-year-old Aaron Deveau was texting while driving last year, having to spend a year in jail for it was…
A San Francisco Bay Area DUI lawyer argues that law enforcement officers are abusing distracted driving laws to…
A San Francisco area Prius driver couldn't get enough of a pack of motorcycles cruising the freeway, and decided to…
This is the first of seven anti-distracted driving ads the California Office of Traffic Safety will roll out on TV…
Distracted driving is bad, but even inattentive drivers tend to jump-to when they notice a white American sedan with…
Not everyone is great at math. But this woman trying to explain how many miles you can travel in an hour when…
There's a debate raging across our great nation over whether talking on a cell phone is more dangerous than drunk…
Ray LaHood, the US Secretary of Transportation, is on a personal crusade to rid the country of distracted driving.…
The National Transportation Safety Board has voted to recommend that states ban the use of cellphones while driving.…
Despite several states already banning use of personal electronic devices like cell phones while driving out of fear…
With buttons multiplying like barnacles on the surfaces of steering wheels, researchers in Germany developed a…
I'll admit it. I have texted while driving. I know, it's stupid and I should know better. I don't do it anymore.…
What is so important that this Italian bus driver feels the need to use two cellphones simultaneously while…
A company calling itself Advocate Auto Consultants says they're afraid this week's Endeavour space shuttle launch…
Consumer Reports rode along with Syracuse police during a crackdown against cellphone-holding drivers. One contended…
The gentlemen on this site — like most gentlemen anywhere — seem to have a Sofia Vergara fixation. So what's with…
Sprint just announced they'll be adding anti-distracted driving software to every new Android phone they sell. It…
New York's DMV will implement a two-point penalty on all drivers found guilty of distracted driving this week. And…
Moves to bar drivers from using cell phones have been driven by the mantra that a phone-holding driver is as…
Film student Uira L'Amour uses CG and 3D-modeling techniques to demonstrate why you should pay attention to the road…