Here we see what appears to be a minor car crash in the former Soviet East, caused by a driver on their cell phone.…
Don't text while you're driving. Especially don't text while driving if your license has been suspended. And…
Here we see three women crossing a busy multi-lane road cause a three-car pileup. This Russian dash cam video is a…
Car drivers are fairly isolated from the world around them. Motorcycle riders are totally open to the environment.…
Speeding is illegal yet every day people speed. Some states have made using a cell phone while driving illegal, yet…
If Jalopnik were to start handing out Parent of the Year awards, Seattleites Holly Johnson and her husband would…
Most of us spend months, maybe years, of our lives behind the wheel of a car. In that time you see some pretty crazy…
The Feds have some strong words for automakers regarding distracted driving that they probably won't back up with any action.
To anyone who's visiting California from another state, my advice is just to put the smartphone down. Seriously,…
This morning we reported on a study from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that said 660,000 U.S.…
A new study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reveals that Americans still just can't put down…
The worst drivers are the ones that are in your way, turning without signalling, and speeding while on the phone. In…
We have seen many, many terrible things people do behind the wheel from reading to schtupping, but playing a flute…
America needs a new Transportation Secretary now that Ray LaHood is gone. Jalopnik readers have selected ten…
Ray LaHood announced this week that he won't continue on as the U.S. Secretary of Transportation for President…
Good designs are able to stand up to the worst kinds of abuse. And you can trust bored and imaginative car drivers…
Drivers are constantly taking their eyes off the road to read text messages, check GPS, or use increasingly common…
Talking on the phone while driving is bad. Drinking and driving is worse. Doing both is unacceptable. But if you…
We have seen some fairly surprising feats of distracted driving here on Jalopnik, but we've never seen an in-car…
Your smartphone can be your second brain, but it can also turn you into a person with no sense of direction, poor…