A lawsuit filed in California this week claims Apple is responsible for a fatal crash because the tech giant had a…
Your phone has an ‘airplane mode’ to cut its signal while you’re flying. The British government is currently…
Reducing traffic? Fighting the scourge of private ownership? Nah man, there’s something better about autonomous…
“Let me just send this text while I steer my car through traffic with my feet, it should be okay,” this woman must…
Let’s get this out of the way: Pokémon Go is meant for walking. But where I live, it’s also upwards of 100 degrees…
Last fall, an 18 year-old girl crashed into another car at a claimed speed of over 100 miles per hour. Now a victim…
Here’s a different kind of distracted driving: Michigan state police say a Detroit driver fatally crashed while…
Porsche put its World Endurance Championship driver Mark Webber behind the wheel of a 911 GT3 Cup racecar with a…
It’s safe to assume that if you’re reading these words on this particular webpage you enjoy the act of driving. When…
"What the FUCK," he says to himself, realizing two big rigs are about to collide right in front of his eyes.
Voice controls are touted as the "safe" alternative to fumbling with our phones, and yes, they keep our eyes on the…
Researchers at the University of Central Florida have pitted traditional texting against voice texting using Google…
Ahoy there, motorist! You know you're not supposed to be texting when you're driving, right? Pretty soon, the cops…
Featureless roads, dull cars, endless traffic: boredom is killing American drivers.
There's a massive, country-wide freakout going on in the UK after reports that anyone involved in a crash would have…
Mercedes doesn't want you busy with other stuff while driving. They think you should be comfortable, know where…
Cell phones and driving have been a hot topic for a while now. People fail to believe that a cell phone is really a…
Having a phone within reach is too much for some drivers so we've created laws that make taking a call, texting or lo…
A bus driver in China crashed into a truck recently while he was checking a text message and looking away from the…
How do you get drivers to stop texting, talking on a phone, eating, drinking coffee, or letting their minds wander…