The Detroit News reports (on a report) that DaimlerChrysler will announce today (or sometime this week) its plan to…
A man who's most likely seen an amount of faces numbering in the hundreds of thousands and if they had a brain in…
We admit that we love Prada lip balm. We admit to reading our girlfriends' magazines. We'll even admit to being…
We love the Mighty Starion, and are actively campaigning to have Mitsu save their endangered US hides by bringing…
We have no idea why a discontinued (but soon to be revived) Smart Roadster was spotted in Fountain Valley of all…
As month-end quickly approaches, US auto execs are getting copies of their double-super-secret internal sales…
So what's the one thing we learned yesterday at Chrysler's Proving Grounds in the backwaters of Chelsea, MI? Well,…
Tho' the famed Chelsea Hotel where Sid Vicious did a deadly number to Nancy Spungen is not located in Chelsea, MI —…
At 10.7% of vehicles operating subject to recall, Toyota is second only to Ford as a mass-market automaker in that…
We actually thought the "German engineering, Swiss innovation, American nothing" billboards in South Africa were…
People often call us LL Cool J, for the ladies do love the cool Jalopnik. You can't take away our radio, and beat is…
DaimlerChrysler, that globe-spanning multi-national merger of equals, is proud of its diffused management…
The Fisker Tramanto and Latigo, the Mercedes SL and BMW 6-based bespoke coupes designed by the former Aston Martin…
When the Loverman kicked down this link, his only admonition was, "Don't vomit." Sadly, we'd already downed a fifth…
We've been walking by this forlorn Valiant derivative for a week or so now, and every time we see it, our heart…
We've had a number of friends who've weaned themselves from Paxil, and one of the symptoms they mention due to…
With the Tier 2 Bin 5 emissions standards coming on line for larger light trucks and tighter restrictions all…
Chrysler's been hyping the new third shift being added to the Toledo, Ohio plant to boost production of the…
Thanks to reader David, we now know that the Camino was truly invented in Australia as a way for farmers' wives to…
1.7 million bucks and the damn thing won't even make it ten blocks. Such is the rarefied world of supercars. But…