It sure seems like four-door Jeep Wranglers have surpassed the "coupes" in popularity. To see out how that extra…
The California Highway Patrol and Office of Traffic commissioned UC Berkeley to study the safety affects of…
Ditch that stuffy glass-and-chrome citadel you work in, pick up your ethnically diverse group of friends, a couple…
The crash of a Cal Fire tanker plane on Tuesday afternoon has added to the tragedy of this year's wildfires in…
Following Audi's autonomous adventures in Nevada and the Florida connected car expressway, the State of California…
We live in a glorious country, America, where not only can police forces buy extremely armored vehicles, but they…
Don't you hate when you walk back to your car after shopping, pop the trunk to put the groceries inside, and come…
Hey, hey, you know, maybe you don't need my advice on stealing a Ferrari, but I think I'm right in advising you—if…
Two San Francisco cops filed 100 tickets in 10 hours on this one stretch of road, 98 of which were for speeding.…
Both driver and passenger survived when this Ferrari 360 cut off the road above LA and rolled down the steep…
Apparently some nutter hopped out of his Ford F-150, set it on fire, and danced around it blocking four lanes on…
Citizens of the post-Soviet East are crazy about dashcams because it helps them stay safe on dangerous, insurance…
"Can brakes be considered bad if they don't exist?"
Finally, the Toyota Prius has been unseated as the best-selling car in California and a sign that order is being…
A dash cam recorded a pickup truck tailgate then side-swipe a sedan on San Diego's Interstate 8 last Saturday,…
American artist Phillip K Smith III has fitted mirrors on every other horizontal siding slat of an old shack in the…
American Expedition Vehicles (AEV) brought us the Brute Wrangler pickup, among other awesome off-roaders. Now those…
California took a big step in 2012 to effectively give the OK to autonomous cars on public roads. Now they're racing…
To the surprise of probably only legislators who supported such initiatives, California is finding it really…