The federal agency hopes to fill 1,000 of the 1,500 open air traffic controller positions by the end of the year.
Last week's Rogers Communications network outage left travelers unable to submit customs documents or make credit…
A paralyzed passenger couldn't exit the plane because the contractor assigned to assist her didn't show
Despite zero flying experience, the passenger safely landed the plane at Palm Beach International Airport in Florida
The Approach Lighting System is meant to give a visual guide for landing in bad weather. But they keep shutting off…
The UK is experiencing record wind gusts, and this man is reporting live through it all
5G is causing interference between with some aircraft altimeters, but the FAA seems to have a solution
An Air India plane got a quick sunroof upgrade thanks to a trucker's clever use of not knowing how tall their rig is
I'm sure we've all kind of been curious to take this same brave journey into the bowels of Luggageland
Last week, uncharacteristically violent storms in Texas saw some airlines fend off days of delays.
Finnish researchers have done something new to combat the detection of COVID-19: they’ve hired four dogs to sniff it…
It’s a cold day in Mother Russia, but of course it’s always cold. 2016 is nearly over, Christmas is days away, and…
If you were wealthy, like Moonlighting residuals and Fifth Element merchandising-revenue wealthy, wouldn’t you want…
Just hear me out, I've been thinking this through a lot
The Chicago Department of Aviation's Airport Noise Management System recently revealed that noise complaints near…
The logistics involved in maintaining the constant flow of machinery in and around an airport is a thing of modern…
England's Bath Bus Company began shuttling customers from the city of Bath to Bristol Airport 19 miles away on…
The nation's third-largest airport, LAX, is in the midst of a renovation project called "LAneXt," that will last the…
Icy conditions on the runway at Hopkins International Airport caused a United Airlines 737 to slide off the runway…
Hurricane/Snor'Eastercane/Superstorm Sandy ruined thousands upon thousands of cars on the East Coast in a matter…