Usually AAA issues a press release on its holiday travel and gas price predictions right before long weekends, like…
In 2016, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety said that most OEM headlights suck. In 2018, it published…
When you really get down to it, life is a constant struggle to maintain the illusion of control. Take those stupid…
If you’ve perused the features of a new car lately, chances are you’ve found something you’re not totally familiar…
In keeping with an ongoing theme in our lives, we have the technology to fix things, but it’s all way too expensive.…
Drowsy driving is bad! But you knew that. Part of it what makes the problem a bit vexing though, is that no one…
Good morning! Welcome to The Morning Shift, your roundup of the auto news you crave, all in one place every weekday…
Now that Thanksgiving is over and done with, most of us can focus on the next big hurdle: Christmas. And since all…
Hey teens! Guess what happens on Sunday, Nov. 5? If you guessed Daylight Savings, then you’d be right! It’s the one…
It used to be that if tire grievances happened to you on the road, you simply pulled over, got out the jack and…
Now that hurricanes Harvey and Irma have come and gone and most everyone affected can focus on rebuilding and…
Hey nerds! A total solar eclipse is headed our way on Aug. 21. Get ready for some sacrificial offerings made to…
Some of you find New Jersey drivers to be bad. Personally, I don’t know when “driving quickly and with haste”…
The narrative over the last few years has been (expectedly) that Americans are nervous about self-driving cars…
North Korea has been executing its political prisoners and unwanted elite by firing squad for decades. But a shot to…
The Highway Loss Data Institute says texting bans in four states did not reduce crashes, and in three states crashes…
In a stunning victory aided by the smaller organizations, Max Mosley won a vote of confidence from an assembly of…
Every holiday the AAA, which is a quasi-governmental agency more powerful than the FRC but slightly less powerful…
Despite gas prices that are sometimes a $1 more a gallon, more people are going to be driving to get their fill of…
• Survey finds 82% of infant car seats in Ireland aren't being installed properly. Reason to believe it's more…