Hyundai's Thierry Neuville sprung a leak in his radiator at Rally Mexico over the weekend, so he filled it with beer.
I decided when I took over Jalopnik that we wouldn't run those tacky sexy-girl-in-a-fast-car videos. It's a cliché…
A man in Salisbury, MA, tried to pass off this review of Slow Cooker Revolution Volume 2 from a newspaper as an…
The FJ Cruiser is dead? I didn't realize, but I should have known. I would have held a proper ceremony. Damn it…
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to mourn the untimely passing of the clutch on this Mustang GT. It had a…
Pretty lady... pretty lady... pretty lady... WHOOSH.
Snow plows move a lot of snow at once. Duh. But what does it look like when the bulk of that snow hits a man on live…
At least, I don't think this is how they're supposed to function. But I could be wrong. I've never driven an Opel.…
There were bizarre cries of "FAKE!" when Travis initially posted the video of Jeff Gordon welcoming him, North…
Hope she's okay. The nice washing lady, I mean. The bike will probably be fine.
There are a number of steps immediately after you crash your car. Nowhere on that list, though, is "get completely…
Behold perhaps the dumbest feat of towing captured on video: two guys try to pull their Lada along with an…
Apparently cows don't like donuts.
You know how we all know and revere Michael Winslow as a national treasure? Wait— you don't know who the hell I'm…
CNET believes modern cars with automatic transmissions are complicated and that's why they had Brian Cooley go make…
American Idol is probably a really stressful experience. Thankfully, if contestants are under duress, there's…
I've seen some completely janky windshield wiper fixes, but I'm not sure any of them hold a candle to this.
Tractors are some of the most complex, difficult machines to drive in the world. At least, that's the impression I…