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Dream 4-Car Garages And Nightmare Road Trips In This Week's QOTD Round Up

Dream 4-Car Garages And Nightmare Road Trips In This Week's QOTD Round Up

A collection of our best posts of the week in QOTD

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Photo: Greg Gjerdingen from Willmar, USA, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons, Jaguar Land Rover, Toyota, Subaru, Justin Sullivan / Staff (Getty Images), Logan Mock-Bunting (Getty Images), Eric O’Connell (Getty Images), Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS (Getty Images), Gary Hershorn (Getty Images), Image: Mazda
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Photo: Greg Gjerdingen from Willmar, USA, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Discussing car design is difficult. How do you define the most influential car? You’re trying to rank art, which is kind of topic that get you disinvited from future dinner parties at your snobby coworker’s loft. Still, Andy asked you to try last week, and today we’re parsing through your responses. Some of you have very interesting ideas of influence. - Amber DaSilva Read More

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A photo of a Range Rover engine bay.
Is it a bigger mistake to own a Range Rover or to try and work on it yourself?
Photo: Jaguar Land Rover

It’s always fun learning something new, whether that’s mastering a few chords on the guitar (why yes, I am teaching myself guitar thanks for asking) or attempting to fix something fiddly on your car. But some tasks are harder than others, so we wanted to find out what the worst wrenching you could attempt might be. - Owen Bellwood Read More

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Photo: Toyota

Everyone has a dream garage, the set of vehicles you’d pick out if money were no object. But if you start to place budget restrictions, size limits, or both on a dream garage, you start to see what a person truly values. This week, we’re placing a very broad limit on your dream garage. You can have any vehicles, for any price, but you can only pick four to keep for the rest of your life. What’s your dream four-car garage? - Amber DaSilva Read More

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Subaru 22B
Photo: Subaru

I love a good daydream. Everyday life can just be so boring and constricting. It’s good to let the ol’ noggin run wild for a little bit, fantasizing about the things we want if we lived in a different world. That’s sort of what led us to our question from Monday. - Andy Kalmowitz Read More

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California Highway 1 Collapse
Photo: Justin Sullivan / Staff (Getty Images)

We all love road trips. We’ve all been on some incredible road trips. And if you live in the U.S. and haven’t yet driven coast-to-coast, you’re really missing out. You truly can’t understand just how big the U.S. is until you’ve driven from one ocean to the other, nor can you truly understand how empty some parts of this country are until you’ve driven through them. - Collin Woodard Read More

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2000 Mazda Protege5
Image: Mazda

Growing up as a car enthusiast means you usually go through phases of different cars or car segments that you like. Like styles of clothes, usually you end up looking back on some of the cars and thinking “What the hell was I thinking?” - Lawrence Hodge Read More

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A  car sits in a sinkhole caused by a broken water main, which collapsed part of Friendship Blvd. on December 3, 2010 in Chevy Chase, Maryland. No one was reported injured in the accident
Photo: Logan Mock-Bunting (Getty Images)

If you really think about it, the act of driving is terrifying: Our frail bags of human flesh control massively heavy and complex pieces of machinery alongside other frail bags of human flesh doing the exact same thing. Any number of things could go wrong at any time. Throw in the very human issue of irrational fears, and you’ve got a heady cocktail of anxiety every time you hit the road. This week, we asked the fine readers of Jalopnik about their irrational driving fears, and y’all provided some exceptional answers. - Elizabeth Blackstock Read More

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Image for article titled Dream 4-Car Garages And Nightmare Road Trips In This Week's QOTD Round Up
Photo: Eric O’Connell (Getty Images)

When road trips go right, you can make some incredible memories. Just you and a buddy or 14 (we rented a 15-passenger van for that one) driving down the open road, loaded up on junk food, stopping at roadside attractions, and taking in sights and landmarks you never would have seen otherwise — what could possibly be better than that? - Collin Woodard Read More

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A brown bear, named Susie, gives Wynne Shearme (l) and Marjorie Kennedy the fight of their lives, on the bumper car ride, at the fun fair attached to the Bertram Mills Christmas circus.
Photo: Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS (Getty Images)

When I was a kid, my family took me to a drive-through “safari” somewhere up in Canada as part of our family vacation. During that safari, a big-ass monkey jumped on top of our car; as someone in the under-five age demographic, that was the most terrifying thing to ever happen to me. From that day on, I’ve carried an irrational fear that something will leap up onto the roof of my car while I’m driving. But that’s just me; what are your irrational driving fears? - Elizabeth Blackstock Read More

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A black Honda Accord parked under a tree covered in pink flower petals from the blooming tree above.
Cars are left covered in petals from spring blossoms during a rain storm on May 2, 2022, in Jersey City, New Jersey.
Photo: Gary Hershorn (Getty Images)

Well folks, we made it! The time seems to have finally come where the weather starts warming up and we shed our winter coats for our spring finest. It’s been an intense winter for many of us, and many of our cars have been locked away to spare them from the harsh salty conditions of winter. Now though, it’s time to wake the convertible or the classic in your garage from its hibernation and get it ready for sunny drives through lush green backdrops that were snowy and bare in days not long past. - Logan Carter Read More
