This Is The Best Car Buying Advice From Jalopnik's Own Car Buying Expert
Know the real deal before heading to the dealership.
For almost ten years I've been sharing dealer stories and car buying advice on Jalopnik. I've told you about dealers that don't want to send you quotes in writing to ones that go wild with the extra charges and add-ons. There are even dealers who thought it was a good idea to essentially kidnap a customer to make a sale. The car market has gone through some big swings and various trends but the more things change, the more they stay the same.
While some car dealers have adjusted their strategy to a more "modern car buyer" others are still stuck doing business the old-fashioned way. Whether you are shopping for a hot car with a long wait list, a pre-owned value, an electric vehicle, or something exotic, here is a collection of some of the best car-buying advice you can use to get the best deal.
Here Is Why You Shouldn’t Expect A Big Discount On A Used Car
The internet has changed the way cars are bought and sold. It's now a lot easier to figure out who has the best deal on a new car, but used cars are more complex. A lot of buyers get frustrated when they run into walls asking for large discounts on used cars. Here's why that happens.
How to Know You’re Getting the Best Used-Car Price
Despite some reports of used car prices coming down, consumers are still faced with pre-owned cars that are way more expensive than anyone anticipated. In a market where inventory moves quickly and dealers rarely budge on price, here's how you can figure out if you're getting a fair deal.
These Are The Biggest Mistakes Used Car Buyers Make
Now is a great time to buy a used car, but getting a quality pre-owned model can be a daunting process compared to shopping for a new one. There are a lot more factors to consider to get the right car at the right price. Here are some of the most common mistakes used car shoppers make.
These Outdated Car Buying Myths Are Costing You Money
About once a week I come across an article that claims to give "car buying hacks," or purports to tell "secrets the dealer doesn't want you to know." While some of this advice is helpful, other tips are just blanket statements that maybe won't result in you getting the best deal.
Beware Of This Dealership Jargon The Next Time You Buy A Car
Every profession has their own jargon or slang and automotive sales is no different. Most of the vocabulary is meant to streamline communication, but knowing these terms could make the difference of you being ripped off or not.
This Free And Easy App Can Prevent You From Getting Ripped Off At A Car Dealership
There are all kinds of websites, platforms and startups that are supposed be "disrupting" the whole car buying process, yet every day people end up with bad deals. But the most powerful tool is something buyers have had for a while, and they don't even have to download it.
How To Buy A Car Remotely From A Dealer Without Getting Ripped Off
Buying a car can be a tricky process, and things get even more complicated when the dealer isn't in your region, meaning you can't do the transaction in person. However, shopping outside of your area can often mean finding a better car or a better deal. You just need to take a few extra precautions to make sure you don't get hosed.
A Reminder That Being A Cash Buyer Will Not Get You A Better Price At A Dealership
The old saying that "cash is king" applies to almost all purchases, except if you want to buy a car from a dealership. A recent report from the Wall Street Journal revealed how dealers in this seller's market are pressuring buyers to get loans because it's another way for the dealers to make a buck.
Take These Steps Before You Decide To Buy Out Your Lease
If you are currently leasing a car you have some options to consider instead of just giving it back to the dealership. While some brands have made the lease buyout process more difficult than it needs to be, with some planning you could put yourself in a more advantageous position.
Five Questions Shady Used Car Dealers Don’t Want You To Ask
The pre-owned car market is still in a weird place. Some segments like electric vehicles have some hefty savings, but most pre-owned cars are still selling for inflated prices. If you happen to come across a used car that seems too good to be true, make sure the dealer can answer these questions.
Here’s One Way Used Car Dealers Make Their Prices Seem Better Than They Really Are
As you already know this is an incredibly difficult market in which to buy a new or used car. The dealers know they are in a seller's market and many of them plan on taking full advantage of that. Some stores are even misrepresenting cars to make their price seem better than it actually is.
Let’s Stop Taking Car Buying Advice From Celebrity Finance ‘Experts’
The car market is improving but things are still rough for most buyers and of course celebrity "finance experts" are happy to dole out their usual, mostly unhelpful, advice for folks struggling to find an affordable ride. To take one of the latest examples, Suze Orman has six car-buying tips, some of which are so contradictory you will probably just end up taking the bus.
This Tip Will Make Searching for a New Car Less Frustrating
Trying to find a new car in this current market is an exercise in frustration. Buyers are finding that a large percentage of advertised vehicles aren't available, and the ones that are on the lot are often subject to market premiums. I have found a search strategy to increase your chance of success in this market.
Here’s The Problem With Those ‘No Haggle’ Dealerships
One of the most frustrating aspects of buying a car from a dealer is the back and forth about the price. Some dealers have responded to this by offering upfront, "no haggle" prices. And while this seemingly streamlines the process and makes (some) buyers happy, in practice, it's a little bit more complicated.
Here’s What ‘Call For Price’ On A Dealer’s Website Really Means
One of the most frustrating aspects of shopping for a car online can often be boiled down to three words: "call for price." It seems simple enough; call the dealership and they'll tell you how much it costs. But the subtext to this command will give you a pretty big clue as to whether or not you even want to bother picking up the phone.