Vladimir Putin may or may not have lost his grip on reality, but his desire to tighten his grip on Crimea is…
The DoD will be sending additional fighters to the Baltics, and possibly Poland, to beef up the NATO air policing…
Amazingly, no one was injured when one of Europe's largest oil refineries, like, totally burned with the force of a…
Russia is invading Ukraine right now, that much is fact. The United States doesn't really like that, but there's not…
You know that friend who's always around, but everyone thinks is a pain in the ass and secretly wishes would go away…
In an attempt to battle boredom and possibly circumvent traffic, some off-road enthusiasts in Russia have created a…
The situation in Ukraine right now is clearly terrible, and only getting worse, with gunmen seizing the airport and…
Behold perhaps the dumbest feat of towing captured on video: two guys try to pull their Lada along with an…
A security camera recorded when trickster demons possessed a Lada and chased its driver around with it. Ok, not…
A casual, innocent, totally-not-heated at all disagreement between two grown men, in Russia (sarcasm, no such thing…
Today I learned that in the early to late 2000s, a number of Cadillacs were built in Kaliningrad, Russia. Take that,…
As the world's eyes are trained on the Winter Olympics, Russia has come under a tremendous amount of fire for its…
We Jalops give Russian drivers a lot of guff for their exploding trucks and their crazy parking and their wild boar…
Street drifting is a bad idea because 1) you can hit somebody and 2) when you lose control you hit stuff, as this…
BMW drivers get accused of being dicks probably more than any other group of motorists, so critics of a popular…
Are you sitting in your home right now, in the South, feeling embarrassed and resentful because there was some snow…
You ever pull up to a gas pump, and then you realize "Oh darn, I'm a bit far from the hose," and then you think "oh…
If your name is Vladimir Putin and you're on your way to relaunch the Soviet Union, the T-90 is one of the tools…