Robots can't have feelings. But humans develop feelings for them. You know, like R2-D2 in Star Wars. Or like Scooby…
New updates to Honda's robot Asimo allow it to now move without the assistance of a human operator, travel over…
Years before Lucasfilm created the AT-AT and Boston Dynamic's Big Dog terrified the world, the US Army was working…
Oh, so you tore off the cardboard flaps from a carton of beer and spent 59 cents on some glitter, did you? I hope…
The Army is holding a military hardware jamboree in our nation's capital, and like any trade show, companies want…
Visitors to China's Green Dream Park—not far from the 2008 Olympics' "Bird's Nest" stadium—are currently being…
Pentagon scientists working with MIT and Harvard researchers have developed a paper-thin shape-shifting structure…
This is "Scooby Doo," a 60 lb. robot built by the same people that sell you the Roomba vacuum cleaner. It defused 19…
Stanford University's Computer Science Department's autonomous VW Passat Wagon has learned a fun new trick: using…
Computer-controlled, multi-axis assembly robots are the Carpocalypse's forgotten unemployed. Once, they built our…
This is one case where we can't improve on the caption: "Ketch and Hiro-pon, members of the Japanese pantomime group…
Do we need any further proof other than this video of Toyota's "partner robot" running at 7 km/h that the…
The lack of Volkswagen robot action in Transformers 2 didn't stop a Beijing mall from trying to latch on to the…
Lance Armstrong and Nike's Livestrong partnered with DeepLocal and StandardRobot to develop this Chalkbot, designed…
The tech-loving guys at Wired have a whole slew of spoiler-filled images from the new Terminator 4 movie, Terminator:…
Another day of filming Transformers 2 has unveiled some key insights. The first is that Transformers 2 will feature…
We keep telling you the robot wars are going to happen any day now, and you just don't listen. While this is more…
When you're cleaning up poorly stored nuclear waste you've got a few obstacles to clear. There's the highly toxic…
Well folks, that's it, we had a good run but we're certainly doomed now. Dutch inventors have developed a robotic…