A pileup is a horrible thing, but the real danger often doesn't start when you hit the car in front of you, but…
It used to be that the luxury car wheat was separated from the regular car chaff by its construction — the finest…
In-car infotainment systems are too damn hard to use these days. And that's not just for the Olds, that notion goes…
Some cars are so quiet that you never even hear them. But others, well, they can make you go deaf from miles away.…
The world of cars is both weird and wonderful, almost too much at times to believe.
I was astounded to learn the backstory behind the original Volkswagen Beetle GSR, that it was decried as a dangerous…
When some people fantasize about becoming fabulously wealthy, they dream of lavish vacations, yachts, or creepy…
Were you one of the nearly two dozen people who went to check out the festival of idiocy that was Need For Speed…
Jason is right. Stupid plastic wheel covers should die a painful death, preferably very quickly so we don't have to…
Yesterday we learned that Spain is getting a Ferrari-themed resort and amusement park called Ferrari Land. That…
We already know about the world's scariest bridges. What about the prettiest?
The Beast is now five years old and due for a replacement. Since President Obama's eventual successor can't just…
I love driving as much as the next guy. No, wait, I love driving significantly more than the next guy, but even I…
Gear shifters: so easy to do wrong, so tricky to do right.
All submarines are strange. it's easy to imagine them as nuclear-powered sea monsters, circling the globe forever…
There's plenty of embarrassing things you can do in a car — let loose a stream of weird racist vitriol, staring…
We're sadly entering the era of alphanumericization and it's killing the best names… usually. Inspired by the Ford…
Few production techniques are as hated as badge engineering, when you make one car into two (or more, usually more)…
In light of having my eyeballs and ear holes inundated these past few weeks with the douchebag thunderclap of Cadill…
With a massive New Jersey carjacking ring in the news, I have to wonder was what the biggest car-theft operation in…