Who Is The Greatest Driver From A Movie Or TV Show?

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Were you one of the nearly two dozen people who went to check out the festival of idiocy that was Need For Speed this weekend? Did it give you the high-octane shenanigans you crave so deeply?

Aaron Paul may not have gotten a good reception for his performance in the movie, but he was cool enough that our pals at Road & Track made him the focus of a list of best movie drivers of all time. It's a good list, but I want to see the Jalopnik take on that question, and I'll add TV shows to the mix to keep it even more fresh.


So that's what we're asking you today: Who is the best driver in all of movies or TV?


There are tons of extremely skilled drivers to choose from, but I nominate Initial D's sullen yet preternaturally gifted AE86 driver, Takumi Fujiwara. He's the fictional character I would least want to race against, that's for sure.


Your turn. Which character from a movie or TV show has the best driving skills?