With green-this, hydrogen-that, hybrid-this and Al Gore-that all slowly taking over the pages of Jalopnik, we…
In case you haven't been paying attention to the day to day Wall Street news tickers, oil briefly traded over the…
Per vehicle, Americans are spending $146 more on fuel this year than last. And it is not even June yet. If prices…
There once was a band called Fifteen. They broke up in 2000 due to "classism." We used to watch 'em play at Gilman…
What can I say — I'm stoked. After the past two years of un-'merican gas prices, I actually thought I'd never pay…
The reason to check your oil begins with an understanding of the oiling system itself. Bolted up to the underside…
Changing out a car's oil — according to the guys in white lab coats who designed the engine — is the key to a…
Crude for December delivery closed at $56.25 a barrel today, its lowest price in 17 months. Factor? A surprisingly…
Nobody thinks that magically, more oil is going to appear in the ground rapidly enough to replace what we're using…
No, oil couldn't, but it seems that gasoline could. Apparently, the state of the world is a little better than we…
So yes, Robin Masters is still feeling the hurt, as gas prices in Honolulu are still averaging $3.17 a gallon, but…
8% is the magic number in the North American oil industry these days. First, BP institutes a pipeline closure that…
We're in a play of slow decay orchestrated by Boltzmann/It's entropy/It's not a human issue/ Entropy/It's matter of…
Although "BP" changed their name to "Beyond Petroleum" in its marketing, it never officially changed the name of…
In 1999 there were a few things you could've told us that we would not believe were occurring in 2006. One, the…
Gas prices are up, and the oil companies are making bigger profits than ever. And when somebody's making money it's…
With oil companies posting record profits, their execs fattened up fowl who've got a pricey foie gras container in…
Somehow we picture Fed Head Alan Greenspan with a Billy Gibbons-length beard, tokin' on a fat doobie, mellowing out…