Tap Dancing On The Titanic: Global Oil Production To Peak In 2018, Scientist Says

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There once was a band called Fifteen. They broke up in 2000 due to "classism." We used to watch 'em play at Gilman Street in Berkeley with Green Day. They had a very similar East Bay punk rock sound. And while Green Day was no doubt more of the lady crowd pleaser, we found Fifteen — and particularly front man Jeff Ott — much more mentally stimulating. Especially when he would get up on the mic and apologize for having driven to the show, but he needed to move the drums and amps. Case in point, they had a song called Petroleum Distillation in which Mr. Ott sang;

I've been having a hard time trying to justify
The clouds arising from the cars we drive
And a little too easy seems just a little too hard today
And I'm afraid my children are going to have to watch the world waste away

Plus his voice is three octaves lower than Lemmy from M torhead's. I should point out that...


...my friend Damon and I would then sprint back across the Richmond Bridge at slightly over 115 mph in his MkII GTI, so put the stones down. Anyhow, according to one of them Swedish physicist types, global oil production will peak sometime between now and 2018. Fredrik Robelius is using new methodology to make this dire-for-pistonheads prediction. Instead of basing his model on such factors as how much oil might be found and past rates of production, Robelius is staking his rep on the 333 major oil fields that are left, figuring no more big fields will be discovered. Which if true, means that we'll be joining you soon enough, Mr. Ott.

Global oil production to peak by 2018 [msnbc.com]

I Just Paid Under Two Bucks A Gallon For Gas! [Internal]