Looks like the UK's Telegraph is buying the "houses are selling for less than a used car" story hook line and…
Our friends at How Bourgeois have the scoop for us of what would appear to be a Holden Commodore SS-V with manny…
From our not-friends over at the gross soda/chocolate milk news site comes a story that frankly, shocked me as a…
A woman in Michigan is suing a car dealership for taking advantage of her bipolar disorder by leasing her a $32,000…
The guardians of the Wolverine State's highways and byways are being asked to cut their fuel consumption by 20%, due…
That really is the question for soccer moms car buyers these days. Frankly, I don't have much experience driving the…
Fair warning here — if you're not into the industry navel-gazing, you'll probably just want to run along to…
According to AAA Michigan, the average price for a gallon of regular gas in Metro Detroit reached $2.28, that's up…
The allegedly-LS9-powered 'Vette has been spotted yet again on the mean streets of the town that's close to Wert's…
From the man known to the larger populace as Wendler: "The seller, 'greatgarloo1' is Tesco Vee-or more likely his…
If you're leaving the office here in Metro Detroit — stay the hell away from I-696 this afternoon. As tipster Joe…
Toyota broke ground Friday on their newest facility, a 700-acre crash test facility that'll employ 400 outside of…
The White House yesterday claims to finally have decided to meet with US automakers in a meeting that's been…
One of our resident reviewers proved you can go home again by getting some action from Jean Jennings. No, not like th…
Michigan's Governor Granholm knows that just because the Commander-in-Chief doesn't have the time to meet with…
Kodak's Lumiere slide film always made us think of the Chevrolet Lumina, even though it referenced French filmmaking…
So, we're about to end our main sober coverage of the 2006 Woodward Dream Cruise. We hope you've enjoyed the ride…
Are we the only ones who find it funny that the Toyota bargain brand, Scion, not only has shown up at this motown…
The two biggest issues at any Dream Cruise are always the potential for rain and the potential inability to find…