The Lamborghini Countach is too low, too wild to be built today. For an owner, though, is it too much to live with?
It decorated the walls of a generation car lovers and defined an era of supercar excess. Several decades later the…
Back in the 1980s, there was no symbol of Wall Street excess quite like the Lamborghini Countach. And yet, the 1980s…
The golden age of supercars were heady days in the West, where there were actual people who could comprehend and buy…
Oh hello, Swedish steel frame-Lamborghini with a Boeing 553 gas turbine converted to jet propulsion. How's it going?…
When Marcello Gandini inoculated fantasy spaceship design into cars, he had bigger things to worry about than rear…
Surely this must classify as a warp event in ‘80s teenage bedroom poster physics. The only thing missing is Farrah…
While screwing around online the other night I came across a list of 50 things reminding me of my 80s childhood. The…
Yep, that's a Lambo. This elegant pile of angles was produced using a 3-D modeling process that its makers have…
You know you're in the Malaise Era when the best quarter-mile times for the wildest street cars money can buy are…
What’s even sadder than the cynical deluge of hybrid supercars is that the only event from last week's Geneva Motor…
Phase one: Get a Fiero. Phase two: _______. Phase three: Profit. Wish all plans were this simple? Now they can be.…
We spotted this Japan-only Gran Turismo commercial in the Playstation booth here at the Tokyo Motor Show and it made…
Last year an Ohio man got himself caught trying to fake his own death in a plane crash. Today, Nice Price or Crack…
The only way to guarantee you're out at front in any race is to be in a pace car. We've picked out these twelve best…
Not everything from the late ‘70s was malaise-inducing. Today, it's up periscope for some Nice Price or Crack Pipe…
Pagani’s two million dollar Zonda Cinque is built of a new twist on carbon fiber: carbotanium. Top Gear’s expert…
At long last, Ken Imhoff's basement-built Lamborghini Countach made its first run around the block. There's still…
If you're spotting Lamborghinis in Eastern Europe, watch out for chronic cylinder shortage.
One is an Italian supercar. The other is a Hungarian bus. Both are from 1971 — and both use the same rear light…