According to an article in the New York Times, some drivers of cars that are supposed to be fueled with…
Have you been greenwashed convinced into thinking you can drive a big SUV and still do your part for the…
GM just can't quit Big Oil. One week after we reported that the General planned a very public breakup with…
If the interviewees in a recent Detroit News article are any indication, old SUV buyers are switching to — SUVs.…
Come on, admit it. The last time you put $65 of gas into your Camry, the idea crossed your mind for at least a…
Today brought us news of a purported new solution to high gas prices: SwiftFuel. Currently intended as a replacement…
We're well aware that the majority of gas-saving gadgets are a bunch of worthless gimmicks, but one particular piece…
With everyone worried about gas prices and thieves drilling into gas tanks, we started thinking about the most…
We here at Jalopnik know you want to get out on the open road this summer to make some memories, so we've chosen…
If you read our Seven Ways To Save On Gas list, you know that we're big proponents of the "don't carry so much crap"…
McCann-Erickson, the agency that brought you such Buick tag lines as "Dream Up" and "Beyond Precision," has decided…
For those of you who don't get Fox Business Network but do like to drink in the middle of the day, we've pulled down…
Mike Jackson, Chairman and CEO of AutoNation (and thus America's number one car salesman), finally breaks taboo and…
It's been awhile since we last had a chance to hoist some drinks over a Jalopnik editor hitting the airwaves.…
With gas prices approaching the pre-apocalyptic price of $5.00 gallon, it isn't just an issue that impacts the…
It looks like the Magellan Oil Refinery's just what the gas price doctor ordered to make sure those high Memorial…
Filing up your E85 vehicle might initially feel better due to prices that are, on average, about 20% cheaper than…
There are good reasons for running out of gas; let's say you're the Lord Humungus and the only way to get the juice…
We miss the golden days of our innocent past when people crossed that glorious border into Mexico for tequila, weed…