In case you don't have the ticker for oil prices set in your RSS feeder or a cerebral feed to the 24 hour news…
Car And Driver realizes that while hybrids and alternative fuels may get all the hype, the solution for many people…
Anthony Salinas, 18, of Hammond, Indiana is just a businessman; He's got to watch out for his bottom line, and the…
Now that Hurricane Ike has passed, the Houston area is grappling with few working gas stations and many people…
In his acceptance speech last night for the nomination of candidate for President (and bringer of hope to all…
We looked at ten different ways to boost your mileage — and how they interfere with the "American way of life" —…
Acknowledging that gas is more expensive than it used to be, and that some people are kinda freaked out by it, these…
For the first holiday weekend in a while, gas prices are actually down. With the national average at $3.66 according…
Filling a need we didn't know we had until just now, a pair of developers have created a website that tracks your…
A next-generation 2010 Toyota Prius was snapped in full camo regalia filling up at a gas station. So what can we…
The Detroit News reports on a truce between the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, an automaker trade group, and…
Leave it to The Car Connection's Marty Padgett to dream up a list including seven good reasons for buying a hybrid —…
In a terrifying, post-apocalyptic, doomsday scenario envisioned by the brains at the IBM Institute for Business…
Not content to wait for the major automakers to show up with their expensive Chevy Volts or Electric Cubes, regular…
A city bus explosion at a Bangkok natural gas filling station last week appears to highlight the dangers of…
The Department of Energy is funding research at GM and BMW, along with several partner universities, into a…
Some American truck owners crossing the border for cheap fuel have had their trucks confiscated, according to PickupT…
Car und Driver Editor-und-Chief Csaba Csere spent a few moments in front of the camera yesterday rebutting the hot…
Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama delivered an energy policy speech in Lansing, MI yesterday, a key…
According to a report from the U.S. Federal Highway Administration, Americans drove 3.7% less in May 2008 than in…