Now that Hurricane Ike has passed, the Houston area is grappling with few working gas stations and many people wanting to drive. As the energy capital of the U.S., it's a strange site to see police guarding gas stations and lines crawling down the street and running through parking lots and neighborhoods. Though there's been some anger and violence at unsupervised stations, most of what we've seen has been orderly. The cause of this? First, there's a sudden demand for gas caused by generators and gas-powered tools. Additionally, many stations still don't have power, don't have fuel or have been damaged in the storm. It has caused a temporary cultural shift in driving behavior in Houston. For the first time in our entire time in Houston we witnessed a majority of people driving the speed limit around Beltway 8, the main toll road in the metro area. All of a sudden people driving fuel efficient cars are kings of the road and people are leaving their giant trucks and sport utility vehicles at home when running simple errands. Finally, people are walking. In order to save fuel, your very own Jalopnik reporter walked to one of the few coffee shops around with power, Internet and fresh food. [Photo by David J. Phillip-Pool/Getty Images]