Any car designed to operate on the road requires a lot of engineering effort to make it street legal and…
Ginetta made headlines last month when they teased the silhouette of their new road-legal sportscar equipped with…
Ginetta is one of those names in the automotive world that somehow never quite seems to die. The company started…
Ginetta, a British marque so semi-obscure that you may have forgotten that people still race Ginettas all the time, a…
If there’s one place to see really odd race cars you’ve never seen before in the United States, it’s Pirelli World…
Ginetta boss Lawrence Tomlinson has an estimated wealth of $800 million and knows a few things about racing, having…
The Ginetta Cup is happening right now and man do these cars look chuffed about it.
Time to make the donuts in this Farboud GT. No wait, it's a Farbio GTS. No, it's actually a Ginetta G60, the…
When someone talks about a two-seater race car for the street we normally picture the Caparo T1. The Ginetta G40 is…
UK kit and specialty car builder Ginetta has apparently weathered a storm of corporate upheaval and come to rest…