A Russian YouTube host and auto mechanic named Vlad replaced his Lada’s lead-acid car battery with a box filled with…
If you’re going to fit 38-inch mud-bogger tires onto your small sedan, you can forget about cutting the fenders—you’r…
In the fall of 2017, Vlad from the YouTube channel Garage 54 ENG left a Lada Samara for dead at the bottom of a…
In today’s wacky automotive experiment, Russian YouTube host Vlad welds 3,000 nails to a rim, and tries driving on…
After burying three cars, and finding them to be totally ruined by the time he dug them up a year later, Vlad, host…
Last fall, Vlad, the wacky Russian car experimenter who hosts YouTube channel Garage 54 ENG, buried three cars, as…
It sounds like the ingredient list for the weirdest cake in the entire world when you think about it: Sunflower seed…
If you’re worried about your car being stolen or towed, and all you’ve got is a length of chain and a couple of…
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you chained a 70 pound kettlebell onto the wheel of a Russian wagon? Of…
In his endless quest to discover how regular household items combine with crappy Russian automobiles, Vlad from Garag…
We already know that making a “tire” out of duct tape yields surprisingly not-bad results, but what if you make…
People are dumb and will only make you sad. Cars are always there for you. If I put my car in people-shoes, I can…
In a stroke of genius, Vlad from YouTube channel Garage 54 ENG decided to fill an old Russian Lada sedan with five…
If you’ve ever been curious to know how hard it would be to power your car with your own legs via bicycle pedals, …
There isn’t a single alternate universe out there where making a tire out of plastic coke bottles should work, but…
If you want to maximize speed on an ice racetrack, studded tires are the way to go. But they’re not always cheap, so…
If you’re one of the six people who has wondered what would happen if you replaced your car’s motor oil with…