Buying cars on a budget is tough. You have to account for what you can afford, how practical it is and whether or…
When you buy a sports car for a price that’s many thousands of dollars less than when it was new, that’s called…
Who can say no to a rear-engined, rear wheel drive German car that’s made only to make you experience the thrill of…
There’s no better performance bargain in the sports car world than a Porsche 911 Turbo because it’s truly a…
When one looks for project cars, it’s fun to peruse the classifieds - not only to find a deal on something you’ve…
Opulence comes in many forms - a cushioned toilet seat, peanut butter and jelly in the same container, and this…
There are certain people that look at the Sistine Chapel and say “there really needs to be more chrome in it. And…
Porsche is either the dumbest smart company in the world or the smartest dumb company in the world. They made cars li…
The car that started the stratospheric rise in prices for ‘90s Japanese nostalgic classics was the Acura NSX. After…
One of the biggest factors driving an appreciating car market is nostalgia, and the ‘90s was chock full of car…
Having nice things make no sense if you don’t use them. That’s why I don’t get summer homes and yachts - 90 percent…
Dangeous cars exist in many forms - from the innocuous Jetta TDI, any car with Takata airbags, or Ralph Nader’s…
Value is a hard thing to define, especially in cars. What represents a giant money pit to one person can be another…
When we’re comparing values of two cars, it’s always best to compare like for like. That’s why if you’re in the…
Uncovering long-lost treasure is the hope of any budding car enthusiast, although some would say those days are all…
When someone tells me how unreliable used German cars are, I refer them to my daily driven Mercedes S-Class and the…
I’m not a gambling man, but I do have certain vices, all of which have to do with automobiles. I have a knack of…
There aren’t many problems in life that can’t be solved with more power. Got a spider in your house? Nuke it. Need…
It’s not hard to impress me. I’m still astonished at the fact that I can check my email without the use of my house…
It’s all too common for an automotive journalist to proclaim that something is “insane”. Simply put, it’s often a…