This 1980 car has just 853 miles on the clock, a wooden shift knob, tartan seats and pop up headlights, naturally.…
When the Nissan GT-R first arrived on U.S. shores, it was immediately pitted against the all-wheel-drive and boosted…
“I bought a Honda Accord,” your neighbor tells you. And you nod and tell him “That’s a good car,” because it is! You…
When looking for a budget exotic car to buy, it’s easy to get carried away by the sharp-edged lines of a Lamborghini…
We all love to dream. It’s what keeps us getting up at the crack of dammit and working until we’re too old to care.…
Back in the good ol’ days, one could see a luxury coupe driving down the street and everyone not in that car would…
I’m not sure what happens to a person’s brain when they purchase a supercar, but it seems to be a bit overwhelming…
When I see celebrity mansions with garages filled with new supercars, my enthusiasm fades a bit, because those are…
A roadster designed in the ‘60s with huge American engine used to be a rich person’s plaything - a fourth or fifth…
Whether we like it or not, cars are becoming faster and harder to handle without computer intervention butting in…
A Porsche 911 is a performance yardstick and has been since its inception. Its boxer engine is a marvel of…
There’s an old saying - the best things in life are free. Balderdash. The best things in life, like the plethora of…
When shopping for technology, we often get the most advanced gadgets that our wallets can sustain. It’s the reason…
In the vast and often unforgiving used car market, there are three prices that matter - initial cost, ownership…
While many would say that buying a used, hand-built British car is the automotive equivalent of lighting your house…
There are two actions that people perform when they see a great deal in front of them: The first is to check if it’s…
Some may see an exotic car driving down the road and say “In another life perhaps” as a single tear rolls down your…
Project cars are always fun - and as much as I like the dust-off-and-drive-it barn find, I enjoy the clearly…
I’d like to think that with my self-made position of Senior Used Car Price Correspondent for the HMS Jalopnik, there…