A 54-year-old Florida grandmother has been arrested after onlookers called the fuzz on her for driving around a…
This Daytona Beach resident doesn't roll around in an insatiably thirsty monster SUV, yet still gets vast amounts of…
When first responders made it to the scene of a flipped truck in St. John's County, Florida, they probably thought…
The infamous Truck Nutz have now been deemed illegal in Florida and are punishable with a measly $60 fine. If you rem…
Floridian Tina Williams had had "a few" drinks, lacked a driver's license, and was seen running a red light and…
What is it about Florida? The 2000 election, the Primate Aztek, and now this. What we have here is a 2000 Cadillac…
This horrific story illustrates why you should never try to run from the police and never break into cars. A couple…
Since the 1970s, the fascist overlords civic-minded city fathers of Coral Gables, Florida, have prohibited pickup…
Autoblog Frank notes that actions by Florida Gov. Charlie Crist indicate that the nation's exceptionally peninsular…
We've gone on record numerous times supporting the use of bait cars to snare those who would deprive us of our…
It's been officially summer for a few days and the Fourth of July is nigh upon us which means a few things — don't…
You know what sucks? Not being able to ride your bike. You know what's awesome? When an idiot leaves his Monte Carlo…
Residents of the Seabreeze Point apartment complex in Daytona Beach, FL woke up hopping mad when they found out…
What is it at the core of autosport? What are the facets and edges of this jewel that holds some of us so captive? A…
A valet at Pensacola's Baptist Hospital probably didn't get a tip when he brought amputee Harold Towne's car through…
What better way to impress upon speeding Floridians the importance of obeying speed limits than to dress up like a…
Jet dragsters are so batshit loony, so excessive, that it takes a hard hard indeed not to love them. The tale of…
The autophiles over at the UK's CAR tracked down Jean Michel Santacrue and Adam Burdette, TVR's new overlords, as…
Apparently, teenage Russian Billionaire has tired of running a sports car company again. After buying TVR back out…