Seems employees of the Auburn Hills end of DaimlerChrysler are feeling a bit miffed they're merely getting the…
Like Chuck Norris, when Dr Z's on the scene, we know he can handle any problem. He gave a roundhouse kick to the…
Sweet Peet D. pulls out the shotgun and claims that the auto industry, what with its Dr. Z's, proposed…
Back when we worked retail, we were supplied with a photo of our company president in case he happened to walk in.…
DaimlerChrysler's main man — the TV star, interwebs star, commercial star and keeper of all things "Step 2" told…
Thanks to alert reader Karen, we know that the Detroit News has already snapped a pic of MC 900-Ft. Dieter; he's…
Not since Lee Iacocca dared TV viewers to find a better-built car than a Chrysler and buy it (they did, it was…
We're totally not even kidding here. Supposedly for today's press conference there's a 900-ft-tall Dieter Zetsche…
Anyone checking out the Speed channel and watching NASCAR qualifying this evening would have noticed something a…
DaimlerChrysler CEO Dieter Zetsche once said he wanted to make the ailing Smart brand "as profitable as BMW. Aside…
So if you're planning on picking up a Dodge Viper to tool around in this summer — you may want to hold off. Word…
So one of us was actually doing his due dilligence today — checking his spelling, dotting the t's and crossing…
We're hearing the Mercedes-Benz US unit is going the way of the General and offering voluntary buyouts to staff…
Herr Doktor Dieter Zetsche, of shiny pate and Chrysler-turnaround wizadry has said that DCX will make a decision on…
It's no Galaxie 500, but we'd imagine Spanish crown royal Juan Carlos I is smilin' to himself and laughin' out loud…
Every South Park fan knows the saga of the strange and mysterious 'underpants gnomes'. The beastly li'l bastards…
Mr Bakafish just hipped us to an article in the San Francisco Chronicle reporting that Dieter Zetsche's beloved…
You know, we're a little worried about Herr Doktor Dieter Zetsche of DaimlerChrysler and Arrested Development. Ever…
So the ZAP-types are apparently taking delivery of 85 federalized smarts to offer to dealers; one of the first is…
DaimlerChrysler CEO, Dieter "Funke" Zetsche told German business newspaper Handelsblatt that, more likely than not,…