So, you've done some meth. Then you stab someone in the back, literally. The sheriff's deputies show up and you…
Prepare yourself for Russian Dash Cams: Grandmas of Mayhem edition.
Clearly, this car has had enough. It has clicked away its last kilometer and at a Ukrainian intersection, it decided…
Police in Yekaterinburg (formerly known as Sverdlovsk) are looking for a person seen sledding through the regional…
A Russian driver with a dash cam managed to capture this, possibly the funniest real-world car chase I've seen in a…
Stuck in the snow in your offroader? Time for a good cry, like this unfortunate Russian lady.
This year the dash cam reached maturity, going from capturing weedy little videos of Russian car crashes to…
She slides off the road in a wet turn. The car catches in the dirt. She rolls. Does she ever look the slightest bit…
When you see someone else driving really badly on the highway, there's an impulse to whip out your cameraphone and…
Is your car stuck in the snow? Do you need to know how to push it out? Whatever you do, don't be like this guy.
It's a little hatchback, tearing off a lane change and diving onto the shoulder for an undertake. What happens? A…
A police car's dascham recorded this video of a Michigan State Trooper going over a railing above pavement 35 feet…
Somehow this Russian driver failed to notice a curve in the road, so now you get to watch exactly what happens when…
Today we came across something direct from the Department of WTF: A dash cam video purportedly from the Eastern…
Do you drive an old compact car? It might be easier to flip than you think, judging by this dashcam video.
Not heeding the advice on the side of the cab that says, "Driver carries only $5.00 in change," a woman in Long…
There are two kinds of car safety — there's passive safety like airbags and crumple zones. Then there's active…