Oh man. We typed the headline before we watched the video. So far we're at the 3-minute mark and we've learned that…
Behold the highly efficient BMW variable twin-turbo diesel engine. The not equal size turbos are there for a…
The evil masterminds at Brabus began their quest for the domination of Malaysia's roadways back in 2000, and with…
Ol' Thnderblt said it best: "Porsche may have bruce, but only Subaru has Bruce." We have nothing more to add.
We are willing to be bet that there is no machine shop anywhere in the world with a name as good as this. Well,…
We don't know how to say "Vorsprung durch Technik" auf Hindi , but we're sure the boys in Ingolstadt have that…
Herr Doktor Ferdinand Porsche was certainly a prolific fellow, this much is known. The gargantuanly-hairball Silver…
Excuse us for a second while we wipe the drool from our chin. And our chest. And our toes. Unsavory as it might be,…
The bwahs und grills at Oettinger have taken the new Audi TT under their wing and slapped on a body kit and dug into…
It's an institution, and one we largely admire. The rational, occasionally zaniac minds (hopefully the graduation of…
Stating that all Porsches are logical evolutions, and by merely talking about their latest in logicmobiles they…
Bruce, apparently, is not in the Italian lexicon. (Lambo excepted). And no, this is not a Photoshop job.
According to one David A. Knox, who runs a webpage devoted to the glory of the departed Renault Fuego, "I have tried…
We were just IM'ing with commenter Punkey — whose true identity shall be revealed tomorrow, er later today — when he…
In their ever-increasing quest to infuse Lamboghini with more Bruce than Iron Maiden's frontman's tights after a…
Oh, it's always fun combining our petty little memes. But we will not be using "Hibernigasm" or "Teutonogasm," or…
Since we got tipped to this by Thnderblt, Jamillah of tha Beeb and Herr Roy himself, we kind of can't not post it. A…
We like Claus Ettenberger, a man who can rock a Hugo Boss cap without irony, and will complete a cross-country rally…
Given that companies that survived the Second War were essentially given a reboot following the cessasion of…
If the third brakelight on your 911 simply isn't highly precise enough, might we suggest adding Winky the Cat to…