Although we're less geeky than our 'puter loving cousin — we're all for the cross-brand marketing — especially…
The above picture is not a photoshop — it's the actual website for Chevrolet India. And from what we've heard —…
New survey results from KBB and Harris interactive show new-car shoppers seem to think the "anything but cute" Dodge…
Automakers now account for $17 billion or 25% of US advertising spending — an increase in ad spending of 1,378%…
The pollsters never quit. Anytime we've been metricked to death, they come up with another metric to measure us by.…
Citroen's dancing robot CGI spot for its C4 infected more hosts than the A/Hong Kong/156/97 (H5N1) — more…
The tagline reads, "That's why we don't have front-wheel drives." Not bad. Here's a better idea: The rabbit has…
It's sometimes hard keeping track of the game of musical chairs played by and with automotive industry marketing…
We've got a problem with windshield wiper solution — don't manufacturers know at 95 mph, the fluid just flies…
Some call it a rebadged Chevy Cobalt, some call it a baby Pontiac G6, but GM just hopes the new Pontiac G5 will mean…
We've never been able to get into the show Lost. Try as we might, we just weren't able to get a stiffie for the…
We've already seen ads like "Then Again, Now Again" and the Red, White n' trying-to-be-Bold "Bold Moves" campaign…
Looks like profits ain't the only thing down at the Big Three — ad spending is following the trend. For the first…
The Danes have a finely hewn sense of humor, based on strict literalism and self-deprecation. Here's an example, by…
Our buddy Nick sent over a Googlized video of Saab's famous (at least in 1987, and only among gearhead types) "Saab…
Tis summer, the season for cross-branding — a time of blockbuster movies and the hope for blockbuster bank coming…
We don't think we're alone in thinking Pontiac's product line-up over the past 15 years has been somewhat ...…
Burkitt & Burkitt, basking in trashy pretense, want to do a Mini covered in Swarovski-crystal-murals. And for some…
The headshrinkers (or is it shrunken heads?) of Munich have set up their own neuromarketing laboratory in an attempt…