The not-so-Big Three learned from their corporate travel mistake deciding to drive to D.C. this week for testimony…
CNBC just dropped a poll into the field asking whether respondents would be willing or unwilling to buy a car from a…
The Daily Show's Jon Stewart isn't much of a car guy. Regardless, he's on the right track with last night's humorous…
Photo Credit: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images News
We didn't have the video of Wagoner pulling up in the Chevy Volt mule dressed up in the skin of a Chevy Cruze earlier
GM CEO Rick Wagoner just showed up to Capitol Hill driving the Chevy Volt mule. No clue where the other CEOs are.
The CEOs of the not-so-Big Three made it to DC for committee hearings beginning today at 10:00 AM. According to Bloom…
There's General Motors CEO Rick Wagoner, stepping from a Chevrolet Malibu hybrid last night at his hotel in…
Jeff Gilbert with WWJ 950 AM had a chance to talk to UAW President Ron Gettelfinger just minutes ago after a meeting…
The crew at Automobile's come up with ten cars lawmakers and pundits should keep in mind before letting the Carpocaly…
We spent the night reading the the not-so-Big Three's business plans presented yesterday to Congress and after we…
Chrysler was the last of the not-so-Big Three to reveal their plan for long-term viability with an ask of $11…
GM's response to the congressional ultimatum, just released, outlines a need for $12 billion in loans, plus…
November car sales numbers are coming in and they’re what you expect them to be — horrendous. Ford is down 31%…
GM announced today they will close their air transportation service center at Detroit Metro Airport, sell four of…
Ford today announced a plan to turn around its business, claiming it allows them to reach break-even level or profit…
Although they're now building some serious hardware, the friendly futurists over at Popular Mechanics have provided…
Finally aware of how bad the not-so-Big Three looked for flying to D.C. for the previous round of "bridge loan"…
Ford announced today it is officially looking to sell Volvo, the premium Swedish automaker that the company acquired…
We just received a hot-off-the-wires report from the WSJ that the UAW is currently in talks with some of the…