As author Jason Vuic points out in The Yugo's introduction, the Yugo wasn't really the worst car in history. How did…
Over the years, Nice Price or Crack Pipe has brought you pristine examples of some of the world's finest…
Do you want to vault into the ranks of the most insane Project Car Hell Poster Children, while spending only 500…
We get quite a few suggestions for EOTD honors and we try to get to all of them, but a tip from a Fiat X1/9 racer…
Hacking up a hail-damaged car and turning it into a giant, highway-capable whale is one thing… but when your…
It's no shock to find only one example apiece from the likes of AMC, Yugo, and Isuzu, but Chrysler and Subaru?…
We were all pretty excited when a genuine, Marshal Tito-grade Yugo showed up to the track on Friday night and a crew…
After 30 years of production, the last Yugo will roll off the assembly line in Kragujevac, Serbia this month. Built…
The Zastava Koral, better known in North America as the Yugo, has been the butt of jokes for 20 years (even in turboc…
After seeing Evil Clint's numbers-matching Yugo yesterday, we have no choice but to watch a Yugo commercial today.…
Last spring, we saw the '87 Yugo GV of Clint, the Evil Genius Racing welder who built the Black Metal V8olvo's roll…
Can you believe it? Test-drive a new '87 Yugo and you'll get more than 1% of the purchase price in cash, even if you…
Those of us who appreciate a Turbo Yugo or a potential 24 Hours of LeMons Yugo know that the little Yugoslavian Fiat…
When we were at Evil Genius Racing to get the cage put in the Black Metal V8olvo, we couldn't help but notice the…
While the Opel Astra is finally hitting our shores as a Saturn model, Serbia's Zastava has inked a deal with General…
With the assistance of his engineer son (named Igor, of course) Crafty Balkan Yugomeister Anton Peterka has…
Mental_floss explores the automobile as metaphor, aligning the Edsel with failure, the Pinto with volatility, the…
The diminutive Zastava was endearing enough to earn the nick name Nicia, which means Little Fiat in Serbian. As was…
It had to happen. Mix together a junkyard stew of Yugos, Fiats, turbocharging bits and pieces, and a big helping of…