Our traffic lights use nothing but color to convey information. A trio of South Korean designers aim to fix that by…
An unassuming Dutch traffic engineer showed that streets without signs can be safer than roads cluttered with…
A Los Angeles artist is transforming the city's soul-crushing traffic congestion into a (slowly) moving performance…
Filmaker Ross Ching decided to imagine a world where the gas pump has run dry. The result is this short movie called …
Tired of being stuck in traffic? One writer broke down his daily Houston commute using a year's worth of detailed…
Bad driving isn't endemic to a specific location, but there's no arguing that poor drivers tend to congregate on the…
Mayor Bloomberg has announced plans to close 34th street between 5th and 6th avenues to traffic, creating yet…
Tom Vanderbilt, traffic expert and author of the bestselling book "Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do," shares with…
According to the Texas Transportation Institute, traffic used to suck. Now it sucks even more. Nice to know some…
GOOD.is brings us the story of an LA resident so disturbed by a freeway's poor signage that he built his own sign…
A recent study published in the scientific journal PLoS ONE indicates that people living in polluted areas have a…
To understand the libertarian beauty of Third World traffic, you have to let go of system-level traffic structures…
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recently announced that, from 2000 to 2008, airline flight…
No, this picture is not photoshopped. Julien Dupont, the inventor of freestyle trials, is really riding his bike…
Speed bumps will never cease to annoy, but a new concept design makes them more palatable by adding shock…
The Discovery Channel's Planet Green seems to hate cars, maligning our favorite mode of transportation as "wrecking…
TomTom's taking traffic congestion to the future, aggregating speed data from its in-car navigation systems to…
Belgrade-based designer Damjan Stanković has developed a concept for a red light which tells you quite intuitively…
According to some traffic experts, "Nanny State" traffic lights and road signs don't make us safer. Instead, making…
Thanks to the folks at the Cleveland Plain Dealer for showing us why traffic sometimes inchworms along for no…