There's a story about American-vs-Russian ingenuity that claims NASA spent millions developing a pen that can…
Two guys waiting in stop-and-go traffic in Nashville capture an out of shape police officer running through cars in…
Only about 4% of drivers decide to commit evasive actions when they see a police car turn up near them, and 13% slow…
At some point in recent years, a ghost in the urban planning machine put up 700 rogue stop signs in Cranston, Rhode…
Ever wondered whether a suspiciously long (or short) traffic signal change, combined with a police cruiser hiding…
Photographer and videographer cshimala attached a GoPro HD camera to the dash of his car, drove through traffic, and…
A picture of a woman in a miniskirt uniform at intersections distracts drivers enough to double accidents — even if…
I'd like to say that no one was harmed in the making of this video, but when you go through so many car-on-car,…
The financially strained state of New Jersey decided to spend money on a traffic-prediction tool to help prevent…
“There should be some special indicator light on your car for when you are in the process of doing something stupid…
Traffic caused by the U.S. Grand Prix could cause 12 hours of gridlock. Keep Austin Clogged!
A 60-mile-long traffic jam on a major Beijing highway's entered day nine, with stranded drivers taking to playing…
Cars, buses, subways, and trains; Pretty much the extent of high-speed publicly-accessible mass transit. Now the…
There are potholes, and then there are potholes. If you live in Russia, the bigger ones apparently launch your car…
Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass, or DUMBO, is a neighborhood in New York with rather narrow streets.…
Think your commute sucks? We've got news for you: Even if you live in New York or Los Angeles, life could be worse.…
You think the idea of sign-free crossings is nothing but a libertarian dream? Think again. A broken traffic light in…