It takes approximately seven seconds of existing in New York to realize the streets don’t really work for anyone.…
As drivers, we have a hard decision to make when a traffic signal turns from green to yellow. Technically that means…
After a terrifying two years of rapidly increasing traffic-related fatalities, the number of people killed in…
I was on the road a lot this week. I had an eight-hour round trip to Dallas on Tuesday, then a four-hour round trip…
Traffic is to driving as apple pie is to America. You can’t have one without the other. We’ve all had our fair share…
Traffic on the 110 highway near downtown Los Angeles was ground to a halt on account of a man posted up on a sign.…
A cruel and villainous groundhog was blocking traffic outside of Baltimore today, but thankfully, a cop came to…
You’d never notice it driving by, but right in the middle of Echo Park works Baron Margo, one of the coolest car…
I’ve been thinking about tubes. Specifically, the weird black tubes that you often find stretched across a roadway.…
A helicopter traffic camera flying over Los Angeles gridlock found something funny going on. Some motorists,…
Now that’s what I call a shitty situation. Read more
Here’s a tweet from a few of days ago that I saw last night that made me laugh, and also made me reevaluate how I…
This happens every year in Los Angeles (and maybe every night): a total jam on the city’s highways, thanks to…
When I was a child, on most Thanksgivings, my parents and my brother and I would get in our car very early on…
Traffic on the coasts is very bad, but you probably already knew that! Here, though, are the spots where it’s very…
It’s kind of hard to imagine a time when there wasn’t some basic law and order on the streets, but this snapshot…
If you’ve ever been to the Motor City, you’ve probably gotten yourself lost. That’s because roads often turn at…
Good morning! Welcome to The Morning Shift, your roundup of the auto news you crave, all in one place every weekday…
Elon Musk hates traffic, I’m sure you’ve heard. So he wants to dig tunnels, a fairytale project that won’t help…