Tesla is just like Microsoft... without the money or a record of success. [CBSNews]
What, Tony Stark won't lend you cash until payday, Elon? [VentureBeat]
Tesla Motors released a revised filing for its IPO today with two key nuggets of information: Tesla is buying the…
Tesla will announce a deal with Toyota to build electric cars at a press conference later this afternoon. Although…
Twenty-year-old Chad Conway recently beat out hundreds of other college students to become Tesla Motors's only…
Two years before even the original Macintosh was introduced, Apple’s then-and-current CEO was pictured for a National…
A twin-engine Cessna piloted by a Tesla manager crashed into an East Palo Alto neighborhood today killing the pilot…
Toyota: The automaker moving you forward... into a Tesla electric roadster... at a high rate of speed... and beyond…
Who killed the electric car? Well, a closer evaluation of today's Tesla's IPO filing with the SEC reveals Tesla…
Tesla Motors filed paperwork Friday with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a proposed initial public…
Right after shipping their 700th car, Tesla has announced an infusion of $82.5 million from Daimler, Fjord Capital,…
Remember the William Ashley china shop? They put a Lamborghini Superleggera up on tea cups outside their shop in…
Martin Eberhard randomly drops his lawsuit against Tesla. By "randomly" we mean "no-shot-in-hell-of-winning." [Autobl…
Tesla's Elon Musk, pictured with his children for a New Yorker photo shoot in front of a clay model of the…
The Tesla Roadster Sport's steering column doesn't move, I can barely sit in it even with the top open and it makes…
At an event today in New York City dedicating Tesla Motors' first store on the East Coast, we had the opportunity to…
Months after Daimler bought a 10% stake in electric carmaker Tesla Motors, they've turned around and sold 4% to…
The Department of Energy just announced electric automaker Tesla will get the full $465 million in Federal loans it…
Tesla CEO Elon Musk is speaking right now at Wired Live. What's he saying? For starters, he wants to buy a car…
Tesla Motors co-founder Martin Eberhard, ousted from the company in November 2007 by then-chairman Elon Musk, has…