Freed from a post-IPO lockdown, Tesla investors discharge 15% of its share price. [Bloomberg/Freep]
Tesla Motors reported a loss of $34.9 million for the third quarter, with sales down to $31.2 million from $45.5…
Tesla Motors flack bites The Register after biting criticism on Roadster recall. Now, The Register bites back. [Regis…
CEO Elon Musk wants people to think of Tesla Motors like a dot-com rather than an automaker. Fine. How about…
The family of one victim in the February plane crash killing three Tesla employees has sued the estate of the…
Tesla Motors "founder" Elon Musk has a propensity for boasting about his electric car business, but the company's…
There's only one place to get credits in California's Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) Program: Tesla Motors. Last year…
Tesla's real founder is VW's secret weapon against Toyota. [MotorTrend]
98-year-old Tesla owner doesn't drive his car, lets his 16-year-old granddaughter take it for a spin whenever she…
For only $101,500 plus the cost of a custom plate, you too can laugh at the thought of using gas to run your Tesla…
I noticed this sign yesterday on the door of Tesla Motors' Manhattan "store." Although technically they only sell one…
VentureBeat's Owen Thomas claims Elon Musk, CEO of electric-car startup Tesla Motors and rocket-launcher SpaceX, has…
Given the choice, I'd rather stick a fork in my hand than write about my personal life. Unfortunately, it seems that…
Tesla shares drop below original offering price, ignoring market demand for $109K limited-range cars. [NYTimes]
Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk responds to a reporter's question following the company's IPO on Tuesday. Maybe now he'll…
Tesla Motors ends its first day on the market at $23.89 a share, a 40.5% increase over the $17 pricing originally…
Former GM Product/Quote-Producing Czar "Maximum" Bob Lutz. Lutz takes a stereotypical view of Silicon Valley in…
Tesla raises $226 million in IPO. That gives Elon Musk two years and two months of cash to burn through. [WSJ]